Just like how Tinder shows your profile to more people when you’re new, so you get more matches, then slowly decreases it so you get less matches, and you feel tempted to buy Tinder Gold to get more matches like before. In late September, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it was suing the Match Group for issues related to fraudulent business practices and consumer fraud and protection.

If you see a post violating the rules please report it. It’s a business move to get you buy Tinder Gold. We don't see everything that gets posted. What is this 16 bad business practices that can derail good customer service L-R: Francesca Giordano, Tyler Engbrecht, Wayne Armoogam, David Wilshaw, Paul Weber, Sue Burnett, Deena White.
Tinder shady business praactices full#
See the full rules in the wiki! Image Removal Need a photo removed? Click here. No xbox release at all not like it matters since w ehave a PC but it's extremely shady and we shouldn't support this type of behavior. All posts must be directly related to tinder. They promised in 2019 to not be exclusive and they are.I wanted to get a Johnny Glocks trigger because I know he cares about his triggers and there out of this world, but I’m questioning on getting one now. Personal attacks, slurs, and other similar comments may result in a ban. I’m not the one to question people’s business practices, but buying a trigger for 300 and not have any sort of warranty is kind of crazy to me.For example: posting a profile only because it mentions /r/Tinder.Posts of profiles/conversations with bots, ads, or fakes will be removed.Images that contain personal information (phone numbers, addresses, Facebook accounts, unique/easily identifiable names, or other similar information) will be removed.